Minister for Emergency Management Kieran McAnulty has announced further appointments to the Government Inquiry into the response to the 2023 North Island severe weather events.
Sir Jerry Mateparae, who was announced as chair of the inquiry two weeks ago, will be joined on the Inquiry by:
John Ombler CNZM QSO, who has held numerous senior public service leadership roles including Deputy State Services Commissioner and chief executive of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA).
Julie Greene, who is based in Hawke’s Bay and has spent over two decades working in the horticulture and rural sectors within New Zealand, including senior leadership roles at Heinz Watties.
Rangimarie Hunia, director of Moana New Zealand, chair of the Te Ohu Kaimoana Trust, and chair of Ngā Pūkenga mo Te Tai Ohanga (Treasury).
The Panel will be appointed for the duration of the Government Inquiry, which is due to be completed in March 2024.
“There are always lessons that come from responses to severe weather events. We began an inquiry to ensure New Zealand’s emergency management system is properly set up so that we’re ready for and can respond to future emergency events,” McAnulty says.
He says the members of the inquiry, announced today, have broad knowledge and experience from a wide range of relevant areas.
“The Inquiry will look at how prepared local and central governments were to be able to respond to the severe weather events.
“The Government has committed $6.8 million to meet the costs of the Inquiry. It is important it’s done right and has the resources it needs,” he adds.
“Many agencies involved in the severe weather response are undertaking their own reviews, which will be more specific. The Government Inquiry will not seek to duplicate this work and will be informed by the findings of those reviews when making recommendations.
“I’d like to welcome the members of the Inquiry and thank them for being a part of this work. The weather events have been extremely tough on communities and it’s important we learn lessons and keep improving.”
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