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Windsor is frighteningly behind when it comes to motorists showing courtesy to pedestrians.
The importance of crosswalks for pedestrians has never been more important. The alertness of drivers appears to be at an all-time low with people texting or scrolling for music while driving.
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It sickens me when I see a pedestrian waiting on the side of the road to cross and vehicles speed up instead of stopping to allow them to cross. In Alberta, you are ticketed if you do not stop for a pedestrian waiting to cross.
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All through Massachusetts and Maine, all you have to do is put your hand up at a crosswalk and vehicles stop immediately for you.
There are no flashing lights needed, just paint on the road indicating a crosswalk with painted symbols advising the pedestrian to stop and wave before crossing.
By adding frequent crosswalks along Wyandotte Street, Riverside Drive and other streets, drivers will be forced to be more alert as vehicles come to a quick stop to allow people to cross. An atmosphere of kindness and respect will follow if numerous crosswalks are added.
Simple paint along the road is cheap and effective. Windsor needs to join the modern world for pedestrian and cyclist traffic.
Justin Thomas, Windsor
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