What can be said about Texas Sen. Ted Cruz that hasn’t been illustrated by the character of Renfield in Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”? The Lose Cruz PAC wants you to know that Cruz has a podcast he won’t shut up about. If you’re unfamiliar with his podcast, it’s an outlet for the insufferable Cruz to say things like nominating a Black woman to the Supreme Court amounts to reverse racism.
The Lose Cruz PAC has put together a supercut of Cruz’s relentless promotion of his podcast. Released on Wednesday, with the title “Ted Cruz: part-time senator, full-time grifter,” the video shows how Cruz will, at every opportunity, make mention of his side hustle. Whether he’s talking on television, during committee hearings, at CPAC (over multiple years), or even during Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Ted Cruz wants you to know he has a podcast.
It’s a piece that builds, and the kicker at the end is worth the wait.
RELATED STORY: Ted Cruz offers up a reverse racism Supreme Court hot take and gets battered in the responses
In 2018, Cruz scratched out a victory over Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke by just 2.6 percentage points. It is a small margin, and probably one of the many reasons he’s willing to be publicly humiliated while defending racist voter-ID laws.
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We did it! And it’s all thanks to Molech! We’re devoting this week’s episode of “The Downballot” to giving praise to the dark god himself after New Hampshire Democrat Hal Rafter won a critical special election over Republican Jim Guzofski, the loony toons pastor who once ranted that liberals make “blood sacrifices to their god Molech.” Democrats are now just one seat away from erasing the GOP’s majority in the state House and should feel good about their chances in the Granite State next year. Republicans, meanwhile, can only stew bitterly that they lack the grassroots fundraising energy provided by Daily Kos, which endorsed Rafter and raised the bulk of his campaign funds via small donations.
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