Queanbeyan Players presents the classic Rodgers and Hammerstein musical – their first collaboration – set at the turn of the 20th century during the passionate rivalry between the farmers and the cowmen as statehood draws near. Central to the story is the complicated romance between Laurey (Demi Smith), who lives on her Aunt Eller’s (Emma White) ranch, and the overconfident but good-natured Curly (Nathanael Patterson), a cowboy. To add to the complication, Laurey agrees to accompany Jud (Paul Sweeney), the brooding farmhand, to the Box Social. Laurey’s good friend, Ado Annie (Emily Pogson), also finds it difficult to make decisions in the matter of love. She is on the verge of making a commitment to Will Parker (Ash Syme). However, while he is away she becomes interested in a travelling salesman, Ali Hakim (Andrew Finegan). Can love prevail for either potential couple? The songs include Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’, The Surrey with the Fringe on Top, Kansas City, I Cain’t Say No and The Farmer and The Cowman. It’s on at the Queabeyan Performing Arts Centre from October 13 to 29, various dates and times. See: theq.net.au
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