Comment: Wishes, by definition, are: ‘things hoped for that will probably never happen’. It is interesting that many things have happened through the earth’s history that should probably have never happened – so we keep wishing.
A wish could also mean a desire to be involved; perhaps when we get involved, we can make things happen that ‘would probably have never happened’. When people do not get involved for whatever reason, then maybe that’s why wishes don’t come true. It follows that for your wish to come true: get involved, don’t hold back.
There are many people who would rather not get involved, who would like to watch, or keep away out of fear, or feeling nosy, or hate, or not wanting extra work, which makes me wonder why people do get involved. I think there are a few reasons for this too, ranging from getting a reward, because they have a personal relationship, to just that they care.
The Christian message of Christmas is that there is a God, and that God is love and this drives caring. In fact, most religions teach that loving others is the point of living.
Sadly, more and more people have forgotten that love isn’t sex and desire, it is basic aroha and caring for each other, which brings me to my first wish.
1/ Overcoming the love of power
That people stop thinking they must exert power over each other. Older people think they should exert power over young people, employers over employees, landlords over tenants, owners of big companies over the little people they don’t even seem to acknowledge the existence of and politicians over citizens.
Jimi Hendrix said: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”
I wish that we could see that spiritual connection with God is the power that will create love that will perhaps, create caring, that will get people involved and hey presto wishes may come true!
2/ That men find a new role for themselves
Too often the stereotype of being a man is to be strong and powerful, bring home the money, and desire women with long hair.
That probably has never been true and certainly isn’t true today. Stereotypes create a lot of suffering and lead to a lot of ‘othering’, and making people who don’t live up to the stereotype, feel bad.
A new self-image for men is vitally needed and this can’t be created by women. Both men and women bring home money now; in fact if they didn’t many families would starve.
A new role for both men and women in our 21st Century needs to be constructed. Low self confidence isn’t the only reason men suicide, but it is a contribution and thinking of themselves in a new light of love and service, equal with women in all things, dependable and reliable, could perhaps help.
3/ Ending the United Nations veto
To be able to go to the United Nations and request that the power of veto is removed from the Security Council.
Any country that invades any other country’s territory has the world’s disapproval expressed in sanctions and peace-keeping troops being deputed to the invader’s country.
This could happen if member countries of the United Nations pay their dues and provide troops to be peacekeepers.
The situations in Ukraine and Gaza must not be tolerated by the citizens of the world – it is the ordinary citizens who are always the ones who suffer.
4/ Stop being gas-guzzling ostriches
That fossil fuel producing countries have pressure put on them to invest in cold fusion and get handsomely rewarded for doing so.
When governments (including our current one) ignore the facts in front of them and continue to pour money into mining and the use of fossil fuels for their own short-term economic gain, it is the ordinary citizens of the world again who suffer.
The evidence is overwhelming that natural disasters and severe weather events are the result of global warming, contributed to by the use of fossil fuels.
Our Pacific Island nations, of which we are one, will become uninhabitable if the polar ice caps keep melting at the current rate. The wish here is that those who make these decisions listen to our young people, stop being ostriches and act now not in 10 years.
5/ Our MPs to get qualified
This is probably the one that is least likely to happen but if the electorate care – that is, you and me, each one of us, maybe we should look at a qualification to be an MP.
So, wish five: That everyone wanting to become an MP in future should not be allowed to until they have qualified by spending a year on the unemployment benefit, with no access to savings, and live in rented accommodation, for the year before they are standing for election.
I wish that they could think about the struggles that a good 30 percent (and getting larger) of our population must go through to survive. I wish that MPs might make better decisions than the ones they say are essential for the economy, and then don’t seem to care about the effect on people and the long-term wellbeing of our whole population.
How about in 2024, try making your wishes come true by getting involved – even if it is just learning the names of the children and young people who live in your street.
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