Buses will not run Monday in Metro Vancouver as over 180 workers represented by CUPE Local 4500 walked off the job.
The job action, which began at 3 a.m. PT Monday, comes three weeks after the workers began refusing overtime. The union represents transit supervisors, communications supervisors and a range of other roles.
Talks between the union and the Coast Mountain Bus Company, their employer, conducted with the assistance of veteran labour mediator Vince Ready failed to produce a new collective agreement over the weekend.
Here is what you need to know about the Metro Vancouver transit strike.
There is no bus and SeaBus services due to ongoing job action at CMBC by CUPE 4500. SkyTrain (Expo, Canada Line, Millennium Line), WCE and HandyDART service not expected to be impacted. Visit <a href=”https://t.co/Viw4DNrYh1″>https://t.co/Viw4DNrYh1</a> or call 604-953-3333 <a href=”https://t.co/KQcGns84Gc”>pic.twitter.com/KQcGns84Gc</a>
What services are affected?
The striking workers help ensure buses and SeaBuses work smoothly, which means both those services will not run during the strike.
TransLink says that none of the routes operated by Coast Mountain will be operational, including the 214 service between Blueridge and Phibbs Exchange in West Vancouver during the morning and evening rush hours.
The 214 service will run at other times of the day during the strike, however.
Transit authority TransLink says that its other services — SkyTrain, West Coast Express, HandyDART, West Vancouver Blue Bus and the Bowen Island and Langley community shuttles — will still run during the strike.
Tony Rebelo with CUPE Local 7000, which represented rapid transit and railworkers, said Sunday that members wouldn’t be crossing lines should they be set up around SkyTrain stations.
CUPE Local 7000 sent out a bulletin Sunday warning members of potential disruptions at SkyTrain, though TransLink said services such as SkyTrain, the West Coast Express and HandyDART would not be affected by the strike action.
The bulletin said CUPE 4500 had made a Labour Relations Board complaint against Translink, the B.C. Rapid Transit Company, West Coast Express, and Protrans for trying to “reduce the impact” on transit riders during the escalating strike action.
Translink spokeswoman Tina Lovgreen said in an email that the company expects all SkyTrain lines to “operate as normal” Monday. “At this time, CUPE Local 4500 can only legally picket bus and SeaBus,” she said.
How long will the strike last?
The job action is set to last for 48 hours, which means it will end on Wednesday, Jan. 24.
While CUPE 4500 represents only a small fraction of the over 6,000 workers at TransLink, bus drivers have said they will not cross the picket line in the event of their fellow workers striking.
What alternatives do commuters have?
TransLink is recommending commuters carpool, ride bicycles, walk, or use the park and ride lots at certain SkyTrain stations if they still need to connect to SkyTrain service on Monday.
Major schools like the University of B.C. have announced they would not modify classes as a result of the strike, saying that instructors will have to make arrangements for their students to learn through alternative means.
The prospect is not appealing to a commuter like Santiago Salamanca, who says he will be left without another option during the strike.
“Having a taxi is is expensive,” he said. “I can’t use the taxi. I prefer to use like the bus or the train. It’s better for us.”

Why are workers striking?
The union’s collective agreement with Coast Mountain expired October 2022, and they say their employer has not offered them wage parity with other employees in the system and the company is not recognizing their significant workload issues.
Coast Mountain has previously stated that the union’s wage demands are unrealistic, and the company has offered workers the same wage increase offered to thousands of its other employees.

CUPE representative Liam O’Neill had previously said that workers often worked more overtime than straight hours, and that the wages sought by workers constituted less than 0.05 per cent of Coast Mountain’s 2024 budget for wages and salaries.
Numerous industry bodies have expressed concern over the impact of the strike, with the Surrey Board of Trade saying in a Sunday statement that the strike would compromise “workers, businesses, and our economy.”

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