The dugong could be Brisbane’s mascot for the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games if a push from local community groups to put the marine mammal on the world stage is successful.
Key points:
The sea mammal can be found the waters of Moreton Bay and is often hard to spotAdvocates say they want to “spotlight” the animal and showcase it to the worldOfficials say information on how the community can help select a mascot will be released at an “appropriate time”
The elusive creature, affectionately known as a sea cow, can be found in the waters of Moreton Bay where it munches on a diet of seagrass.
In the lead up to the 2032 Olympic Games, two Moreton Bay community organisations have put forward the dugong as a potential mascot for the sporting spectacular.
Dragon Boat Pumicestone president Michelle Hanton said the dugong would be a “fabulous” choice.
“It is so unique and it would really spotlight them,” she said.
‘An elusive, shy creature’
Dugongs can be found in coastal and island waters across Australia’s northern coastline, from Shark Bay in Western Australia to Moreton Bay in Queensland.
Ms Hanton has seen dugongs swimming in the Pumicestone Passage while out on the water with her boat club.
She said dugongs could be difficult to spot and her group often only saw the hump of the animal as it breached the water, and occasionally the tail.
“They are such an elusive, shy creature, but when we do [see them], it’s so exciting. The whole boat stops if we see a dugong,” Ms Hanton said.
“We post it on our Facebook page and anybody that’s missed out is very upset.”
Darren Jew, wildlife team lead with the Bribie Island Environmental Protection Association, said sea cows were “amazing” animals that were quite shy.
He also wants the mammal to represent Brisbane in 2032, as they are right on the city’s doorstep.
“Pumicestone Passage’s dugongs are pretty special — they are one of the last remaining … inshore populations of dugongs in a populated area like a city,” Mr Jew said.
“Australians are known as great swimmers. That’s what we seem to do best in at the Olympics.
“So, having a swimmer as a mascot would make perfect sense to me.”
Sightings are ‘super exciting’
Bribie Island Environmental Protection Association member Yoka Dolman said the games could be a great opportunity to raise the sea cow’s profile internationally.
“I think when you talk to people about the dugong, they know of it, but because they’re so shy, they haven’t seen it,” she said.
“I think it would be really good to put it out there as a mascot of the Olympics to give it the exposure and also then highlight the importance of keeping our waterways healthy.”
Fellow Bribie Island Environmental Protection Association volunteer Sherry Bruce coordinates a project for the organisation called the Dugong Diaries, which records sightings in the region.
She agreed the experience of spotting a dugong in the water was “super exciting”.
“I’ve had a few … experiences of dugong sightings and it is very, very special,” Ms Bruce said.
“They’re curious, so if you stay still — like if you’re out on your kayak — they will come up to you and observe you.”
A spokesperson for the Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics and Paralympics Sports and Engagement, Stirling Hinchliffe, said further information about how the community could get involved in the selection of a mascot would be released at an “appropriate time”.
“The search for an original, iconic character that will truly capture the spirit and legacy of Brisbane 2032 will be facilitated by the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee as part of their role in leading event preparations,” they said.
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